Welcome to this magical space of connecting with your highest truth, remembrance and expression, activating your original essence and bringing online the codes within you.
Welcome to this magical space of connecting with your highest truth, remembrance and expression, activating your original essence and bringing online the codes within you.
I guide you home to your infinite wisdom, knowing and highest self; it is a deep release and shift of consciousness, clarity, alignment and awakening that I facilitate.
My gift is to unite you with the essence of YOU that you have come here to remember.
Your soul has come to EARTH with a mission, you have received the call and it is time to step up as who you truly are on the highest vibrational level.
We are Ready for YOU.
You are Ready!
I guide you home to your infinite wisdom, knowing and highest self; it is a deep release and shift of consciousness, clarity, alignment and awakening that I facilitate.
My gift is to unite you with the essence of YOU that you have come here to remember.
Your soul has come to EARTH with a mission, you have received the call and it is time to step up as who you truly are on the highest vibrational level.
We are Ready for YOU.
You are Ready!
What Shelley Facilitates…
My work is powerful and transformative, it goes beyond what is conventional- deep to the core of who you are, I integrate, clear and assist you in releasing the wounds your soul shows in session (personal, karmic, ancestral, mass consciousness, galactic) it is your soul that is the roadmap I work with, I connect you to your song, your gift, essence purpose and together we journey where you need to in order to fully activate your being in the here and now.
I know why I am here. What comes through me is ancient. I listen, see and assist you with the medicine of my soul, facilitating ancient healing by exploring the core of what one needs to internally recognize and align with for peace and to cultivate optimal wellness, love, joy, purpose, freedom and passion from within.
My soul has come here to Earth to create this space for others to unite with their truth, heal and activate as the full, vibrant, powerful, uniquely gifted STARS they are!
With SO much Love, Shelley 💕

Shelley’s journey to the present moment…
Guided by my passion of helping people, I hold a Bachelor of Science in Pre-Medical Studies and Nursing from Hawai’i Pacific University. My education tugged at my soul and led me to the deep realization, calling in and activation of my gifts. On a soul level I was called to abandon all I learned.
The medicine of my soul was birthing. I began from here as a certified Reiki Master and Healing Touch practitioner. My gifts of seeing, knowing and the deep energetic soul transmissions flooded my being, today I hold the knowing of an Intuitive Counselor, Medium, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Energetic Healer, Clear Channel of your Highest Self.
I am a Crystal Child and Blessed Mom to six vibrant souls; Luca an amazing gifted Rainbow Child, Sage Atlas a wise Unicorn Child, Star an incredible soul who is deeply connected to her cosmic lineage, Sun Merlin Magic a miraculous plant loving earth child who seems to know everything before its is spoken, Bella Luna Love the sweetest soul who showers us with the most amazing kisses and Ashra Azaray, a child of the SUN Vibrant, Bright and ALL knowing! My Love, Ty Moonshine and I are birthing a new ancient powerful existence here on Earth. We are honored by a big furry family. Raphael our kind loving companion, beautiful big hearted Gus now in the stars, Sweet baby girl Maude, seven incredible cats, Koa, Lily, Zeus, Tibet Theadore Light, Truman, King Arnold, Minnie as well as Golden, who is a beautiful wise white bull. Our love and adoration for all life and Momma Earth is clear!