We are Here.
We are Here.
Welcome to this magical space that I have created to connect and support you in your highest truth, remembrance and expression activating your original essence and bringing online the codes within you.

Shelley is an Earth Guardian and advocate of the Children. Her work includes publishing the book “Star Children” a guide to understand, honor and empower the star child within and around you.
Star Children offers a radical rethinking of the nature of children commonly considered troubled or ill, providing a refreshingly positive, spiritually-oriented perspective on the unconventional. Find out why Star Children are coming to earth, as well as the hidden messages behind miscarriage, childhood illness, and accidental death. This book is also a guide to self-knowledge and spiritual development for the friends, parents, and caretakers of Star Children, offering advice on how to nurture them. Learn to understand the Star Child you love while realizing that you, too, are a special Star Child. Exercises throughout the text offer ways to explore the material and incorporate it into your life, while Shelley’s warm enthusiasm encourages us all to break free from old limitations and discover inner strengths and abilities.

Star Children are magical wildly intuitive beings with big hearts that carry codes of remembrance within their cells. Each with their own unique blueprint, gifts and purpose. Often, Star Children help to heal their family lineage and anchor high frequency energies into the Earth, restoring the earths original essence, activating and fulfilling why they came here in this lifetime. Many come with big messages that shift stagnant old energies out of existence.
If you are a Star Child you may feel different than others, unique with a big purpose and the ability to feel, see and understand things that others do not. You may also have direct contact with galactic soul family and a deeper understanding of the highest truth of life that pierces the veil of illusion. It is a gift to humanity that you are here right now.
As a Star Child myself it is very important that we foster our magic. This is especially important for the young souls growing up right now. They need to feel safe as who they are so that their unique essence, gifts and soul intelligence stays alive. As we know their purpose is BIG. Your purpose is BIG. Our purpose is BIG. We are here at this pivotal point in time to anchor truth, live our magic and to literally shift the quantum so that life on Earth can flourish.
Portal for Star Children
This is an exciting interactive space where todays youth come together virtually over to be heard, received, explore within, share, listen, connect and they are invited to a deeper understanding of who they are, why they are here and how to integrate this into form.
Shelley leads this session in a very creative way that inspires, opens and offers connection at this unique time of expansion and exploration in ones life. The group zoom session is offered once a month and on occasion there are weekly deep immersion calls scheduled for a month at a time.

Bringing the Ancient into Form
A very special interactive online group in which everyone is led on a journey back home to the core of who they are, why they are here as well as activating, accepting, sharing and acknowledging their soul gifts, bringing all of their essence back into form, here and now.